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News in Agriculture
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The European Commission does not agree to the project promoted by the Romanian authorities concerning the sale of land to individuals, said Achim Irimescu, secretary of state in the Ministry Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), and he said that European officials will help us in drawing up a better document in that area. read more...

Lately, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken several steps when it comes to rural development. One of them concerns encouraging small farmers that have less than 5 hectares of land to associate. read more...

Romania in 2012 ranked top in the European Union by the maize-grown area, but it trailed third by the maize production, after France and Italy, because of the lower yield, shows the statistic research on the Agricultural Production in Main Crops in 2012 made by the National Institute for Statistics. read more...

The droughty span is putting the maize and sunflower crops at risk and given such a situation, the small and medium-sized firms (SME) will get compensation from the state to cover 80 percent of the losses, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Daniel Constantin told a news conference on Friday. read more...

Prime Minister Victor Ponta said Tuesday at the headquarters of the Agriculture Ministry that he is supporting the introduction of a differential VAT on agricultural produce as from January 1, 2013. read more...

Romania came first in the European Union in 2011 by the surface cultivated with maize, and second by maize production after France, because of lower crop yields, according to preliminary data published on Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INS). read more...

Romania’s cereal production increased last year by 24.4 pct, reaching 20.785 mln tonnes, from the 16.713 mln tonnes registered in 2010; Romania preponderantly cultivates maize and wheat, which account for 49.8 pct and 36.8 pct, respectively of the total cultivated surface, shows data released on Friday by the National Statistics Institute (INS). read more...

he Romanian market reported a deficit of 30 million eggs in January and February of this year on a year-on-year basis, the cause lying almost entirely with the reduced imports, according to information provided by the Poultry Farmers Association in Romania (UCPR). read more...

Romania will be allowed to export pork meat to the European Union (EU), starting with January 1st, 2012, Valeriu Tabără, the Romanian minister of Agriculture. read more...

Checks on the flower transports from the Netherlands stopped in Romanian customs have turned up one or two shipments without plant health passports, which will be destroyed, said Romanian Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara on Tuesday, adding that there are also suspicions of tax evasion. read more...

Romanian Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said Friday that the country's wheat production this year exceeds eight million tons, of which four million tons can be exported. read more...

Romanian vegetable producers requested compensation worth 1.46 million euro from the European Commission following the losses incurred due to the E.coli cases in several European countries Romanian Agriculture minister Valeriu Tabara declared on Tuesday quoted by news agency Mediafax. read more...

Romanian cucumber producers will receive compensation of up to 247,200 euro at the estimated loss of 9 million euro by August 1, Romanian Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara said. read more...

Vegetables grown in Romania are safe for consumers, said Agriculture Minister Valeriu Tabara Monday, addressing the situation triggered by the E.coli epidemic in Europe, which has killed 22 people. read more...

Romanian cucumbers destined for export in the EU might be distributed, for free, on the internal market to hospitals and other institutions since intra-communitarian commerce is blocked, Agriculture ministry state secretary Adrian Radulescu declared for Agerpres news agency. read more...

German and the Czech Republic decided to block all contracts and not purchase cucumbers from Romanian producers and from those in the EU until the source of the contamination is established. Romanians export 160 tons of cucumbers each day, Agriculture Ministry state secretary Adrian Radulescu said for a news television. read more...

The Romanian Government on Tuesday approved a draft emergency ordinance whereby the country will apply reverse taxation on cereal and plants with industrial use for about two years staring June 1, 2011, after it received approval from the European Union. read more...

Martin Schuldt, general manager of Cargill Agricultura, one of the biggest players in grain trade, expects this year's agricultural yield to be similar last year's, so Cargill is not expanding its storage facilities along the Danube. He says it is however too early to make precise predictions about this year's crop, but specifies Romanian farmers are suffering because yields per hectare are lower than in Bulgaria and Hungary. read more...

A major food shortage crisis represents one of the greatest threats for humanity. The explosive demographic growth, the growing pollution, the exhaustion of the planet"s resources are the elements that are causing experts to claim that over the next years, humanity will have to radically change its nutrition habits. read more...

The Romanian Government on Wednesday decided to grant EUR7 million in annual financial aid to beekeepers to increase the number of bee colonies. read more...

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