Finance, Banking and Economic News - 15 February 2011 -
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Finance, Banking and Economic News
15 February 2011

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Profi retailer, controlled by Enterprise Investors investment fund, operating on the discounter segment, plans to go beyond the mark of 100 stores in Romania, from 83 at present. read more...

15.02.2011, 08:12 | Business | 1274 views
Pfizer buys food supplements plant in Cluj
American giant Pfizer, the world's biggest drug maker, with 68 billion dollars (50 billion euros) in turnover in 2010, has become the owner of a food supplements plant in Cluj, with over 5 million euros in annual sales. read more...

The price of gold is currently around 7% lower than the historic high reached at the end of December, with the major fluctuations recorded at the beginning of this year being troublesome for investors who let themselves be mesmerised by the spectacular rises recorded in previous years. read more...

Romanian President Traian Băsescu made a surprise announcement that Romania would not see negative growth in the fourth quarter of 2010 after all, contradicting forecasts of most analysts. read more...

15.02.2011, 08:16 | Finance-Banks | 914 views
BRD sees 501m-lei net income in 2010
BRD-SocGen, the second biggest bank in terms of assets, ended 2010 with net income worth almost 501m lei, down 36% from 2009, in line with the Romanian accounting standards (RAS). read more...

Romania's economy shrank at an annual rate of 1.2% in unadjusted terms in 2010, a slower pace than initially predicted, according to a flash estimate of the country’s statistics institute released Tuesday. read more...

A former customs worker at the southern Romanian Giurgiu crossing point said Sed Lex union leader Vasile Marica took bribes from customs employees to have them promoted or kept in their jobs. read more...

Romanian SME loan guarantee fund FNGCIMM paid some 95 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2496) to banks last year, up 35% from RON70 million in 2009, mostly for working capital loans. read more...

Romania’s Competition Council fined mobile operators Orange Romania and Vodafone Romania EUR63 million for abuse of dominant position, Competition Council president Bogdan Chiritoiu said Tuesday. read more...

Promoting prescription medicine is forbidden on Romanian TV or radio, but broadcasters are allowed to advertise medical practices, clinics and pharmacies, according to amendments to Romania's broadcasting Code, adopted Tuesday by the National Audiovisual Council (CNA). read more...

Romanian PM Emil Boc said after talks with his party's MPs and with President Traian Basescu on Tuesday evening that his replacement with an independent prime minister has not been discussed directly. He said he as a prime minister was working with the same intensity as on the first day in office and would do so to the end of his term. read more...

On the few examples of successful company debt restructuring, bankers and entrepreneurs have now turned into adversaries, and over-indebted companies are taking their problems to a point where their entering bankruptcy becomes inevitable. read more...

Businessman Valer Blidar, one of the most important Romanian industrialists, who controls Astra Vagoane Călători of Arad and set up Banca Comercială Feroviară, says the profit the passenger carriage manufacturer derived last year halved and turnover dropped by almost 14%. read more...

Economy Ministry representatives are working on a project meant to help the SMEs that want to expand more quickly and raise funding from the Bourse. According to the project, the state would bear part of costs related to listing process. read more...

A project won by the Economy Ministry, funded with over 820,000 euros in European money, will lead to a 10% increase in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises, SME employees and in the value of exports, according to Andreea Paul Vass, adviser to premier Emil Boc. read more...

A month and a half after the enforcement of the Fiscal Code version approved by the Government at the end of 2010, the Finance Ministry has finalised the enforcement guidelines clarifying aspects such as the regime of fiscal loss in 2010, obligations of companies that paid the minimum tax in 2010, criteria for qualifying as a small enterprise, setting social contributions and penalising gambling establishments that do not issue admission tickets. read more...

15.02.2011, 23:38 | IT & C | 1024 views
Record 63m-euro fine for Orange and Vodafone
Orange and Vodafone, the biggest mobile phone operators on the Romanian market, were fined 63 million euros by the Competition Council for abuse of dominant position, this being the biggest fine ever levied by the institution. read more...

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