The top five debtors to the state budget used to have cumulated debts in amount of 5.514 billion lei (1.2 billion euro) in late September, according to data released by the National Tax Administration Agency (ANAF).
The National Railway Company (CFR) comes first with 2.538 billion lei in debts to the budget in late September, 1.502 of which represented interest and penalty fees, 894 million lei VAT, 185 million lei from income tax and 2.3 million from other taxes and fees. This company was granted refinancing.
Second comes the National Black Coal Company with debts in amount of 1.844 billion lei. The company is under administration according to Law 137/2002.
Galaxy Tobacco ranks third with debts in excess of 539.6 million lei. The company was granted refinancing.
Romanian Railway Freight Company – CFR Freight – is fourth and used to have in late September 394.2 million lei in debts. The company is under foreclosure.