Yesterday, the prosecutors searched 49 "Omniasig" branches, on suspicions that the CEO and over other 40 executives forged over 1 million insurance policies, just one day after Peter Hagen, the head of Vienna Insurance Group (VIG), which the insurer belongs to, said that he was not worried by the state of the Romanian insurance market, which has been shaken lately by resounding scandals, such as Astra or Carpatica Asig.
When asked by a journalist about his opinion Tuesday on the current state of the insurance market, which has been affected by the economic crisis, but even more so by the frauds in the system, Peter Hagen said: "If we look at the important players on the Romanian market, it is clear that most of them will not default. But if a default were to happen, then we would be faced with a major problem, and that is not because of the Guarantee Fund, but rather because of the perception of the public. If confidence drops, that affects the whole industry".