Panasonic: Romanian crisis, worse than in Greece and Ireland -
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News » February, 2011 » 22 February 2011

Panasonic: Romanian crisis, worse than in Greece and Ireland
22.02.2011, 00:09 | IT & C | 1104 views

Sales of electronics in Romania plummeted in 2009-2010, with the impact of the crisis being stronger than in countries like Greece and Ireland, Laurent Abadie, chairman and CEO for Europe of Panasonic told ZF in an interview.

"In Romania, the impact of the crisis was the most powerful in Europe, more visible than anywhere else, even compared with countries like Ireland and Greece. The market decline was close to 60%, with no other country witnessing such a drastic trend," Abadie said. Sales of electronics in Romania fell by 40% in 2009 and by a further 15% in 2010, according to Panasonic.


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