Finance, Banking and Economic News - 27 May 2011 -
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Finance, Banking and Economic News
27 May 2011

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27.05.2011, 11:49 | Economy | 1163 views
USL presents its economic program
The Social Liberal Union presents on Friday its economic program that might transform in the governing program of the political alliance if it will get the government strings. Social Democratic leader Victor Ponta said that there is an almost generalized perception that it cannot get worse than it is but USL wants to prove that it can get a whole lot better. read more...

27.05.2011, 11:50 | Actuality | 969 views
US Embassy will be closed on Monday May 30
US Embassy to Bucharest will be closed on May 30 to mark the Memorial Day, dedicated to American soldiers who were killed in battle for their country, the diplomatic mission of the United States in Romania informs. read more...

The volcanic ash cloud from Iceland will not reach Romania until Friday night, Environment ministry informed on Friday. The institution quotes last minute information supplied by the London Volvanic Ash Advisory. read more...

KOREA International Nuclear KEPCO manifested its plans to attend the construction of reactors 3 and 4 of the Romanian Cernavoda plan, Economy minister informs. According to the ministry, a delegation of the consortium met with the Economy minister Ion Ariton. read more...

Romania’s absence from the Central European Summit organized in Poland will not be well received in Washington, the New York Times comments Romania, Serbia and Slovakia’s decision to boycott the summit. read more...

Higher Court of Justice magistrates decided on Friday to sentence ex Liberal deputy Dan Ilie Morega for three years of prison for acts of corruption, news agency Agerpres reads. read more...

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