News » September, 2012 » 7 September 2012
INS: Romania’s GDP advances 0.8pct in H1 2012, to RON 248.59 billion
07.09.2012, 08:18 | Economy | 2494 views
Romania’s estimated H1 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is put at RON 248.592 billion current prices (nearly 55.3164 billion euros), up 0.8 percent in real terms from H1 2011, according to data released by the National Statistics Institute (INS). Total final consumption advanced 0.7 percent in H1 2012 from H1 2011, mainly as the result of a 1.1-percent rise in household final consumption. Gross fixed capital formation recorded a significant rise of 14.1 percentage points. According to data with the INS, the economic growth in the first half-year 2012 was significantly determined by increases in business volumes and consequently of the gross added value form professional, scientific and technical activities, administrative services and support services (3.2 percent), construction (3.1 percent), shows, cultural and entertainment activities, home appliances repairs and other services (2.7 percent), as well as information and communications activities (1.7 percent). Read more on
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